
Show tal-Iskejjel tal-Internazzjonijiet Brittaniċi 2024

Show tal-Iskejjel tal-Bord Brittaniċi
From March 23, 2024 until March 23, 2024
Singapor - Shangri-La Hotel Singapore, Singapor, Singapor
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Boarding Schools Show Singapore Tickets | Engage with Top UK Schools - Independent Schools Show

BSS Shows to be held in the near future Boarding Schools Show, Singapore. School Show Videos The Boarding Schools Show. The best British curriculum schools

Mill-2007, l-Independent Schools Show qed issir f'Londra. Ara l-lista sħiħa tad-dati li ġejjin.

Il-Boarding Schools Show jieħu l-aqwa Skejjel tal-Kurrikulu Brittaniku f'postijiet prestiġjużi madwar id-dinja. Ara l-avvenimenti kollha li ġejjin.

Prepare to be dazzled by The Boarding Schools Show as it makes its triumphant sixth return to the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore! Parents will have the opportunity to interact directly with representatives of top British boarding school, admissions directors and educational experts at this event. Here's everything you need to be aware of:.

Date: Saturday, 23rd March 2024Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, 22 Orange Grove Road 258350 Singapore.

We invite you to make vital connections with admissions directors and prestigious heads of leading British boarding schools.

Parents will also have the opportunity to meet other parents whose children are already doing well in UK schools, and attend seminars about how to successfully transfer into the UK education system. This is the best way to learn about entry requirements, scholarships, and bursaries. You can also speak directly to school representatives to get tailored answers to your questions.

We understand the financial and emotional burden of choosing the right school for your children. We aim to ease this burden for parents by providing a comprehensive, informative event that is tailored to those who are looking to provide the best education possible for their children.

Viżti: 2181

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali tal-British Boarding Schools Show

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Singapor - Shangri-La Hotel Singapore, Singapor, Singapor Singapor - Shangri-La Hotel Singapore, Singapor, Singapor


800 Karattri xellug