
eCar Expo 2025

eCar Expo
From April 04, 2025 until April 06, 2025
Stokkolma - Friends Arena, Kontea ta' Stokkolma, l-Isvezja
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Stokkolma - eCarExpo

Stokkolma, grazzi għal avveniment ieħor ta' suċċess.

Stockholm, thank you for another successful eventThe eCarExpo, held in Stockholm from 2-4 February, was crowded with premieres of cars and models by 20 different manufacturers. It was also the European Premiere of the Audi Q8 Dakar Edition and the Polestar 4. The Swedish audience also got to see for the first time, the American electric pick-up Rivian R1T.Around 70 exhibitors occupied the exhibition floor. The exhibition floor was filled with approximately 70 exhibitors. They included the latest innovations from leading car brands, charging operators, and energy companies.The three-day event attracted 15,460 visitors. We heard from leading experts in the field about V2G, solar cells and battery storage. The press conference and all seminars can be viewed HERE.Stockholm's eCarExpo will move to Stockholmsmassan from April 4-6 2025.PremieresHere are 17 of the most recent hot news stories.SeminarsAll seminars can be found hereeDriveExpoCheck out the cars available to test drive at the fairExhibition SupplementWhat happened at the fair?ExhibitorFind out which companies have exhibited at the Friends Arena.Sweden has been a world leader in electric vehicles. eCarExpo, Europe's biggest electric car show, is held at eCarExpo. Watch out for world premiers. It's possible that they will be held here!Test drive - eDriveExpo You can test drive the electric cars at eCarExpo. They can be tested!SeminarsHere, you can learn and listen to the most knowledgeable people on electrification and power. You can also ask them many questions!Keynote Speaker In eCarExpo’s stage program, there are always at least one or two speakers.

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Stokkolma - Friends Arena, Kontea ta' Stokkolma, l-Isvezja Stokkolma - Friends Arena, Kontea ta' Stokkolma, l-Isvezja


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