Manifattura u Elettronika tan-Nofsinhar

Manifattura u Elettronika tan-Nofsinhar

From February 04, 2025 until February 06, 2025

F'Farnborough - Farnborough International Airshow, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

Manifattura u Elettronika tan-Nofsinhar 2025

Click Here to Book Your Stand. Registration for 2025 will be available soon. The 4th to 6th of February, 2025. Entry & parking are FREE. One Show ....A thousand Solutions. Fly around Southern 2023. Where is Southern Manufacturing and Electronics held? Where Industry and Innovation ConvergeSee the power of UK Manufacturing. Southern Manufacturing and Electronics, the largest annual UK industrial exhibition, is a pan-European showcase of new technology for machinery, production equipment and electronic assembly as well as tooling and componentry.

A must-attend event for anyone involved in design, engineering production and procurement - the place to see all the latest in production hardware, components, consumables and technology serving a wide range of industries including Aerospace/Defence, Automotive, Electronics Assembly/ Production, Industrial Machinery, Packaging/Handling/Logistics, Energy, Marine, Medical/PharmaBio, Mechanical Engineering and Metal Processing. Here is the 2024 Show Preview.

Tir tad-drone jagħtik veduta mill-ajru tal-wirja. Din il-perspettiva unika, iffilmjata l-lejl qabel il-jum tal-ftuħ, tagħtik l-opportunità rari li tara l-iskala sħiħa tal-wirja.

L-avveniment se jsir fiċ-Ċentru Internazzjonali tal-Wirjiet u l-Konferenzi ta’ Farnborough. Dan il-post ġdid fjamant ta’ 20,000 m2 joffri faċilitajiet moderni u aċċess faċli, kif ukoll parkeġġ b’xejn.

Il-Magazin Preview tagħna tal-2024 fih aktar minn 150 esebitur. Din hija għodda kbira biex tippjana l-vjaġġ tiegħek u tagħmel l-aħjar mill-esperjenza tiegħek waqt l-ispettaklu.