Konvenzjoni dwar l-Industrija tal-Baqar u Wirja tan-Negozju tal-NCBA

Konvenzjoni dwar l-Industrija tal-Baqar u Wirja tan-Negozju tal-NCBA

From February 03, 2026 until February 05, 2026

F'Nashville - Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, Tennessee, l-Istati Uniti

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


kategoriji: Servizzi Korporattivi

Tags: Trobbija, Catering, annimali, Baqar

Viżti: 5815

Konvenzjoni dwar l-Industrija tal-Baqar u Wirja tan-Negozju tal-NCBA

CattleCon is where the beef industry meets! Want to exhibit at CattleCon in 2025? Brands who have attended CattleCon.

We are excited to begin building the exciting line-up for 2025 of speakers and special guest from across the industry.

Do you want to experience this incredible Trade Show? Find all the information you need about new exhibitors, including the exhibitor agreement.

(c) 2024. National Cattlemen's Beef Association Id-drittijiet kollha riżervati.