Franchise International Malasja

Franchise International Malasja

From May 30, 2024 until June 01, 2024

F'Kuala Lumpur - Ċentru tal-Konvenzjoni ta' Kuala Lumpur, Territorju Federali ta' Kuala Lumpur, il-Malasja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

kategoriji: Servizzi Korporattivi

Tags: Franchising, franchise, Bejgħ bl-imnut

Viżti: 6128

Assoċjazzjoni tal-Frankija tal-Malasja

Assoċjazzjoni tal-Frankija tal-Malasja. Dwar l-Għaqda Tagħna. Datuk Dr Radzali Hassan. tel. 03 - 6241 4141. [protett bl-email]. DATO' ZAHRIAH BINTI AB D KADIR. tel. 03 - 6241 4141. [protett bl-email]. MOHAMAD SHUKRI BIN SALLEH. tel. 03 - 6241 4141. [protett bl-email]. tel. 03 - 6241 4141. [protett bl-email]. FRANCHISE DIAGRAMS. Services we provide. Latest Events & Training. Exclusive Information.

The Malaysian Franchise Association was formed in 1994 to support the implementation of the Government program to promote entrepreneurship through franchising. The formation of MFA was indeed timely as to promote the development of franchising in Malaysia.

L-MFA se tkun riżorsa għal franchisors attwali u futuri, franchisees kif ukoll midja u l-pubbliku ġenerali.

MFA, as the industry leader in Malaysia will continue to work to bring the franchise industry to its highest level. It will also prioritize franchising to be one of the engines of growth for the Malaysian Economy. I hope that MFA, KPDN and other relevant agencies will work together to achieve the vision stated earlier for the greater benefit of the franchise industry in Malaysia.

Kburin li nħabbru li bl-appoġġ tal-membri tal-MFA, l-MFA se tkompli l-mixja tagħha lejn l-eċċellenza u tkun kapaċi tilqa’ kull sfidi li niffaċċjaw. Ingħaqad magħna llum u ħu vantaġġ mill-benefiċċji kollha tal-MFA!

Since 1999, MFA has been charged with delivering a series training courses. These are delivered by professional and experienced speakers. The program includes courses for all levels - from elementary to advanced. More than 20 thousand people have benefited from the 400 training sessions.