KBB Birmingham

KBB Birmingham

From March 01, 2026 until March 04, 2026

F'Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

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kbb Birmingham | Avveniment KBB Ewlieni fl-Ewropa | Marzu 2026

The UK's meeting place for the KBB Industry. The UK's Meeting Place for KBB Industry. Relive the kbb Birmingham of 2024. The kbb Birmingham blog. Bathroom trends for 2024. Interview with Looeeze grossman Jon Johnston's Day in the Life. Bridging the Skills Gap Birmingham Latest.

Id-diviżjoni ta' Informa Markets ta' Informa PLC tinkludi kbb Birmingham.

Dan is-sit huwa proprjetà u mħaddem minn Informa PLC. Id-drittijiet tal-awtur kollha huma tagħhom. L-uffiċċju reġistrat ta' Informa PLC jinsab f'5 Howick Place f'Londra SW1P WG. Irreġistrat fl-Ingilterra u Wales. Numru ta’ Reġistrazzjoni 8860726.

All the leading brands in kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms are all housed under one roof.

Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest news in the industry.

All the leading brands in kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms are all housed under one roof.

Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest news in the industry.

Brands can showcase their latest designs and products to KBB professionals.

The Innovation Awards have been running since 2006 and are one of the highlights of kbb Birmingham.

Meet Designers, Installers and Property Developers to learn about the latest innovations.

Il-kmamar tal-banju se jkollhom ikunu sħan, jistiednu u mimlija personalità hekk kif nersqu lejn l-2024.

Il-fundatur ta’ Looeeze ta’ The Used Kitchen Company, ġie intervistat minn kbb Birmingham qabel il-ftuħ tal-ispettaklu.