Saħħa u Benesseri fuq ix-Xogħol

Saħħa u Benesseri fuq ix-Xogħol

From March 11, 2025 until March 12, 2025

F'Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

kategoriji: Saħħa u benesseri

Tags: Saħħa, Riabilitazzjoni

Viżti: 6842

Merħba - Saħħa u Benessri fuq ix-Xogħol

Creating a culture of safety, health, and wellbeing in your workplace. Access to the latest updates, learning resources and networking opportunities. Meet UK's leading brands in workplace health and wellness. Check out the event collaborators for 2024. Partner Wellness Pod. Event organised by:.

Welcome!Through its diverse and premium conference program, the event promotes and highlights key and emerging workplace health and wellness trends. It provides knowledge, insights, and solutions. The event also offers a variety of new innovations and services on the exhibition floor to support employee health and wellness.Join us in March 2020!Register your interest.

The event champions key and emerging trends within workplace health and wellbeing providing knowledge, insights and solutions through its premium and varied conference stream. It also delivers a wealth of innovations and new services across the exhibition floor that support every aspect of employee health and wellbeing.

Aġenda għall-Konferenza 2024Il-Konferenza dwar is-Saħħa u l-Benessri fuq ix-Xogħol toffri mijiet ta' sessjonijiet ippreżentati minn uħud mill-kelliema l-aktar rispettati u rinomati u influwenti tal-industrija. L-avveniment ta' jumejn se jinkludi sessjonijiet dwar diskorsi ewlenin, esperjenzi tal-ħajja reali u studji ta' każijiet, teknoloġija u aġġornamenti tal-innovazzjoni, u diskussjonijiet tal-panel.Ara l-aġenda sħiħa.

The Health and Wellbeing at Work Conference offers hundreds of sessions presented by some of the most respected and renowned speakers and industry influencers.