Lukanda, Restaurant & Catering

Lukanda, Restaurant & Catering

From March 17, 2025 until March 19, 2025

F'Londra - ExCeL Londra, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

Lukanda, Restaurant u Catering | 17 - 19 ta’ Marzu 2025, ExCeL Londra

The Ultimate Business EventThe UK Hospitality IndustryEXCEL London, 17-19 March 2025. Visitor numbers across five co-located events. Suppliers of food, drink and hospitality. Discover new products in a day-long event. HRC is your destination for product innovation. You can easily find products in our show sections. HRC is a part of Food, Drink & Hospitality Week. HEADLINE MEDIA PARTNER.

27,000 + numri tal-Viżitaturi f'5 avvenimenti ko-lokati.

1,500Food, drink and hospitality suppliers.

L-HRC huwa l-post li għandek tkun għall-innovazzjoni tal-prodott.

HRC is the premier business event for UK hospitality.Meet more than 1500 suppliers in the food & beverage, professional kitchen equipment and hospitality technology sectors. Also, find furniture, interiors, tableware, and furniture.Discover the latest trends through 100+ talks, demonstrations, and tastings led by industry leaders.Find new contacts who can help you grow your business and improve your customer satisfaction.HRC has been a leader in business networking for 90 years.

Meet more than 1500 suppliers in the food & beverage, professional kitchen equipment and hospitality technology sectors. Also, find furniture, interiors, tableware, and interior design.

Skopri l-aħħar tendenzi permezz ta' 100+ taħdidiet u dewqiet immexxija minn mexxejja tal-industrija.

Sib kuntatti ġodda li jistgħu jgħinuk tkabbar in-negozju tiegħek u ttejjeb is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent tiegħek.