Wirja Internazzjonali tal-Ġojjellerija ta’ Kobe

Wirja Internazzjonali tal-Ġojjellerija ta’ Kobe

From May 16, 2024 until May 18, 2024

F'Kobe - Sala tal-Wirjiet Internazzjonali ta 'Kobe, Prefettura ta' Hyogo, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Industrija tal-moda, Industrija dehbijiet

Viżti: 5301

神戸 国際宝飾展(IJK) |西日本最大の巨大な宝石の祭典

Il-Wirja Internazzjonali tal-Ġojjellerija ssir tliet darbiet fis-sena f’Kobe, Yokohama u Tokyo. RX Japan Co., Ltd hija l-organizzatur.

Dehbijiet ta 'livell għoli għal ġojjellerija ħafifaMinerali u ġebel naturali, kif ukoll materjali u partijiet għal oġġetti magħmulin bl-idejn. Tista' tqabbel u tixtri bi prezzijiet speċjali.

L-avveniment se jinkludi bejjiegħa bl-ingrossa ta 'ġojjellerija, manifatturi, kif ukoll xerrejja mill-Ġappun, iċ-Ċina u nazzjonijiet Asjatiċi oħra. Dawk interessati fil-ġojjellerija, jew dawk li qed ifittxu li jidħlu fin-negozju se jkunu preżenti wkoll. Artisti magħmulin bl-idejn se jintroduċu l-marka tagħhom u jixtru oġġetti.

In large trade fair venues like Tokyo Big Sight and Makuhari Messe in Osaka and Tokyo, there are 90 international trade shows per year*. These include jewelry, eyeglasses and publishing as well as electronics, energy and IT. It is held regularly.*Composite Exhibitions Total 372 Exhibitions.

1. Il-wirja tan-negozju tgħin lill-esebituri jżidu l-bejgħ tagħhom.2. Il-fieri tal-kummerċ jistgħu jgħinu biex jirrivitalizzaw u jiżviluppaw diversi industriji3. Il-Ġappun huwa ċentru tal-kummerċ grazzi għall-fieri kummerċjali tiegħu.4. Il-fieri kummerċjali huma sors kbir ta' benefiċċju ekonomiku għall-bliet ospitanti5. Il-fieri kummerċjali huma mod tajjeb ħafna biex jippromwovu l-kummerċ internazzjonali, u jikkontribwixxu wkoll għat-tkabbir tal-ekonomija globali.

The invitation ticket is only valid for a single person. Each person attending the event will require an invitation ticket.If you don't have a ticket for the event, 5,000 yen is charged as an entry fee.*The organizer is not responsible for any products purchased at the venue by visitors.*This exhibition is intended for business transactions and purchasing. General consumers entering for their own consumption is strictly forbidden. Business purposes and future jewelry entrepreneurs (including hand-made artists) who wish to manage the business are welcome.*Requests for tickets of invitation are only available to those who are over the age of 18. You must be accompanied if you are younger than 18 by an adult guardian or parent (over the age of 18). Please do not act separately on the site and make sure you are accompanied by a chaperone or guardian. Please contact the secretariat if you wish to supervise 5 or more participants under 18 years of age.*The number listed of exhibitors is an estimated final number for February 22, 2024 and could change depending on the number of attendees. This number includes both contracted exhibitors and group companies as well as partner companies that exhibit together.*Comparison between the number of exhibitors, product display area and similar exhibitions in 2024.