Konferenza u Espożizzjoni SpaceCom

Konferenza u Espożizzjoni SpaceCom

From January 28, 2025 until January 30, 2025

F'Orlando - Orange County Convention Center, Florida, l-Istati Uniti

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Riċerka Xjentifika

Viżti: 5937

Merħba - SpaceCom 2024

SOLUZZJONIJIET TAL-BINI: IL-PROGRESS TA' L-ISĦIJIET. SIGU L-ESHIBIT TIEGĦEK 2025 JEW SPONSORSHIP. Il-Kungress tal-Ispazju huwa l-avveniment spazjali kummerċjali ewlieni globali li jattira eluf ta’ professjonisti tal-ispazju u l-aktar mexxejja kuraġġużi tal-industrija mis-setturi kummerċjali, tal-port spazjali u tad-difiża. 200+ Kumpaniji li juru. Esperjenza tal-Kungress Spazjali. Kumpaniji Esibituri. AVVENIMENTI KO-LOCATED GĦAL SPAZZJIET KUMMERĊJALI ĠIMGĦA.

Samit tal-GSA Spaceport.

EXPO: JAN. 28 - 30 2025KONFERENZA: JAN. 29 - 30, 2025 Orange County Convention Center.

Samit tal-GSA Spaceport.

L-attivazzjoni tal-professjonisti fl-ispazju biex jikkollaboraw u jkollhom influwenza fuq in-negozju spazjali.

Space Congress is the premier, global commercial space event that attracts thousands of space professionals and the industry's boldest leaders from the commercial, spaceport, and defense sectors. 50th Space Congress brings together the entire space ecosystem including sub and prime contractors from commercial industry, international agencies and organizations, end-use markets, major government branches such as NASA, the DoD, the United States Space Force and Space Systems Command, spaceports from around the world, and so many more.This is our central resource to accelerate the construction of space infrastructures and capabilities.Assuring Defense Capabilities and Supporting Our National Defense StrategyCreating an intelligence-driven presence in spaceBuilding Agile Launch CapabilitiesSupporting On-Orbit ServicingSetting up a Global Spaceport NetworkExploration & Scientific Research: Empowering ExplorationConnecting end-users with competitive capabilitiesCreate Sustainable Solutions for the PlanetHumanity's Quality of Life: Protecting and Enhancing itIncreasing Space Access for AllThere's MoreSpaceCom is produced as part of the 50th Space Congress. This long-standing event has been produced by Canaveral council of technical societies (CCTS) and NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC).