Expo Med

Expo Med

From August 20, 2024 until August 22, 2024

Fil-Belt tal-Messiku - Centro Citibanamex, il-Belt tal-Messiku, il-Messiku

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


kategoriji: Kura tas-Saħħa u Farmaċewtiċi

Viżti: 5545

Expo Med | Hospitalar 20 al 22 de Agosto, 2024 CDMX

Isptar il-Messiku. Xerrejja kwalifikati. Esibituriminn persuna. Snin ta esperjenzaBeing a reference for Health is-settur tal-Messiku. L-atturi kollha fis-settur tas-saħħa Kollha f'post wieħed. Manifatturi ta 'tagħmir speċjalizzat. Distributuri ta' apparat mediku. Professjonisti tal-akkwist. Eżekuttivi mediċi u sptarijiet.

Id-diviżjoni tas-Suq Informa ta' Informa PLC tinkludi Informa PLC.

Dan is-sit huwa proprjetà u mħaddem minn Informa PLC. Id-drittijiet tal-awtur kollha huma tagħhom. L-uffiċċju reġistrat ta' Informa PLC jinsab f'5 Howick Place f'Londra SW1P1WG. Irreġistrat fl-Ingilterra u Wales. Numru ta’ Reġistrazzjoni 8860726.

August 20-22, 2024 |11:00 AM -05:00 PM.

We are happy to announce that starting in 2023 Expo MED will become part of Hospitalar, one of Latin America's largest and most significant events in the healthcare sector. Hospitalar Mexico will continue to be the leading event in medical devices, equipment and technology in Mexico, strengthening the international presence and the offer of exhibitors and visitors.Expo MED is partnering with Hospitalar to provide attendees with a wider range of health-related products and services. They will also have the chance to learn more about the latest medical trends, technologies and solutions.Expo MED, which was created in 2000, has been a major event for Mexican health professionals. The latest innovations in technology and industry products have been displayed. However, the synergy between Hospitalar and Hospitalar in Brazil will bring a fresh perspective to Latin America's medical care.Informa Markets' merger of the two events will provide a range of solutions to the health industry, from medical technology to hospital management. Hospitalar Mexico will be able to interact with a wide range of exhibitors, including manufacturers, distributors and health service providers. Hospitalar Mexico will hold specialized conferences and workshops with industry leaders and references that will cover topics of interest to health professionals in Mexico and Latin America. Hospitalar Mexico and Hospitalar Brasil will continue to operate independently in their respective countries. Hospitalar Mexico will continue to be the leading event in the health sector in Mexico, while Hospitalar will continue to be the most important event in the industry in Brazil. Both events will combine their expertise and experience to deliver the best possible user experience while maintaining their identities and focusing on their specific local markets.