Expo Globali għall-Annimali Domestiċi

Expo Globali għall-Annimali Domestiċi

From March 26, 2025 until March 28, 2025

F'Orlando - Orange County Convention Center, Florida, l-Istati Uniti

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


Uri l-Informazzjoni | Global Pet Expo

Save the date for 2025. Attend the Pet Industry Premiere Event. 1,100exhibiting companies 300 first-time exhibiting companies. 1,000+product launches.

Global Pet Expo is the premier pet industry event, organized by the American Pet Products Association and the Pet Industry Distributors Association. It features the newest and most innovative products available on the market.

Global Pet Expo is open for independent retailers, mass-market purchasers, and other qualified professionals. This is a great opportunity for qualified professionals to attend the Global Pet Expo.The show is closed to the public.

Global Pet Expo, l-avveniment ewlieni tal-industrija tal-annimali domestiċi fid-dinja, huwa magħruf li jipprovdi opportunitajiet ta 'negozju u edukazzjoni mill-aqwa lill-professjonisti tal-prodotti tal-annimali domestiċi madwar id-dinja. Ix-xerrejja li jattendu jistgħu jistennew:.