NexTech Week

NexTech Week

From November 20, 2024 until November 22, 2024

F'Chiba - Makuhari Messe, Prefettura ta' Chiba, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

kategoriji: Servizzi Edukattivi

Tags: Kompjuter

Viżti: 3494

【公式】NexTech Week 2024|人、企業、世界の「未来」を変える展示会

NexTech Week 2024. X'inhi NexTech Week 2024? Skopri modi kif tippromwovi d-DX tal-kumpanija tiegħek. Kuljum, isiru konferenzi b'xejn biex jitgħallmu l-aħħar teknoloġiji u tendenzi. .

This is the place to find solutions that can transform the world, the companies and the people.The event will feature four exhibitions that showcase the latest technologies, including 'AI', 'blockchain' and 'quantum computing'. It will also include services for developing 'digital human resource'.1. Services that help "people" grow, which is essential to corporate growth2. The latest solutions to help businesses promote DX while improving operational efficiency3. Web3, quantum computing, and AI are some of the latest technologies that will revolutionize the world.Attendees include companies who want to promote DX as well as people from various industries looking for the newest technology.

NexTech Week qed torganizza erba' wirjiet simultanji, li jippermettulek tikseb l-informazzjoni kollha dwar l-aktar oqsma sħan f'post wieħed!Kompjuters kwantiċi u blockchain, li jappoġġjaw is-suġġetti jaħarqu NFT u Metaverse u jappoġġjaw l-AI, huma fost it-teknoloġiji notevoli li jistgħu jtejbu n-negozju effiċjenza!

At NexTech Week, 400 companies* are exhibiting. In one visit you can meet many companies and find solutions to your business' challenges.Estimated number of concurrent exhibitions.

Implimentazzjoni tal-Web3 u użu tal-kuntratt NFT u DAOSmart (awtomazzjoni tat-tranżazzjonijiet) It-titjib tat-traċċabilità.