Bethesda Row Arts Festival

Bethesda Row Arts Festival

From September 07, 2024 until September 08, 2024

F'Bethesda - Bethesda Row, Maryland, l-Istati Uniti

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

Bethesda Row Arts Festival – Il-festival tal-arti tal-aqwa fiż-żona ta’ Washington, DC

Bethesda Row Arts Festival. Applications are closed. William Kwamena-Poh. Richard Wilson Fine Arts & Graphics Inc. Montressa Hammond and Stroke of Art. Marlene Rose, Thomas Coates and Katlin Vallena. Marjolyn van der Hart. Turtlepoint Driftwood LLC. James McArthur Cole photography Elaine Thompson Art. Want to reach 25,000 customers in two days? Join our Partner Program.

Il-Bethesda Row Arts Festival, wieħed mill-aqwa festivals tal-arti u l-artiġjanat fir-reġjun tan-nofs tal-Atlantiku, fih artisti ta’ kwalità ta’ mużew b’ġurija. Fi tmiem il-ġimgħa, it-toroq ta’ Bethesda Row jinbidlu f’gallerija ta’ barra, fejn juru erbatax-il kategorija tal-midja li huma ġurijati: ċeramika, tpinġija/pastelli, fibra/dekorattivi, fibra/oġġetti li jintlibsu, ħġieġ, grafika/stampar, dehbijiet, xogħol tal-metall, midja mħallta 2D, midja mħallta 3D, pittura taż-żejt/akriliku, fotografija/arti diġitali, skultura, akwarell, u injam.

Is-Sibt, 7 ta’ Settembru, mill-11:00am sas-6pm Il-Ħadd, 8 ta’ Settembru, mill-10:00am sal-5:00pm.

Dry brush technique used to paint scenes of Ghana in West Africa, my native country.

This is not a painting. Fabric collage made entirely of tiny pieces from recycled, hand-dyed fabric. The fabric is layered to create light, color and shadow. All images come from my original sketches.

I create artworks using layered plywood and cut paper. The works are laser-cut and assembled by hand, then mounted on a painted panel of hardboard. Some include inkjet prints or pastel colors, and others acrylic paint.