BoatLife Live

BoatLife Live

From February 13, 2025 until February 16, 2025

F'Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Industrija tal-Karozzi

Tags: Boat

Viżti: 2501

Merħba (ĠDID 2025) - Boatlife 2024

X'se tkun l-avventura tiegħek li jmiss? .... NEC Birmingham. Merħba għal BoatLife. Ikseb il-biljetti tiegħek għall-akbar wirja tad-dgħajjes fuq ġewwa tar-Renju Unit issa biex tibda l-istaġuni tat-tbaħħir 2025! L-ispettaklu se jkun fih palk dirett b’uħud mill-aktar uċuħ famużi fl-industrija tat-tbaħħir, kif ukoll attivitajiet tal-familja, pool ġewwa, dimostrazzjonijiet, u aktar minn 200 dgħajsa.

Get your tickets for the UK's biggest indoor boat show now! The show will feature a live stage with some of the most famous faces in the boating industry, as well as family activities, an indoor pool, demonstrations, and over 200 boats.The boating community can come together to celebrate the love of the water, the thrill of adventure and their passion for life on the sea. This is the ideal opportunity to explore and discover the latest models and equipment, as well as a variety of accessories and equipment.We have everything from luxurious powerboats and charming narrowboats. It doesn't end there! We showcase the latest green technologies to ensure that we remain at the forefront of sustainable yachting. You'll find inspiration here, whether you are interested in fishing, paddleboarding or just looking for ideas.BoatLife believes that everyone should be able to enjoy the water. We have something for everyone, no matter what your budget is or how much experience you have. We have something for everyone, whether you are a boating enthusiast, a novice, a hobbyist or a family looking to spend a memorable time together.Get your tickets today and see hundreds of boats. Meet industry experts. Discover a wealth knowledge and special guests all under one roof. We are proud to be the only event in the UK of this kind, and offer an experience you can't get anywhere else.The BoatLife Show is the perfect place to make memories and explore the world of boats.GET YOUR TICKET NOW.