FaW TOKYO (Fashion World Tokyo) [Rebbiegħa]

FaW TOKYO (Fashion World Tokyo) [Rebbiegħa]

From October 15, 2024 until October 17, 2024

F'Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


日本最大のファッション展示会|FaW TOKYO (ファッション ワールド 東京)

Fashion World Tokyo. Gathering trends and needsThere are many tips for developing products. Do not worry if this is your first time to exhibit!We offer generous assistance to boost sales. RX Japan is Japan’s largest trade show organizer.

FaW TOKYO will showcase companies from around the globe showcasing the latest in sustainable fashion. This includes apparel, footwear, accessories, fabrics and materials, accessory materials as well as fashion DX.This exhibition will be visited by 25,000 people* around the globe for 'business negotiations', such as ordering fabrics and materials and OEM/ODM requests.

Tista 'twassal il-karatteristiċi ta' prodott lix-xerrejja personalment, li mhumiex possibbli onlajn. Dan jippermetti negozjati aktar dettaljati.

Attendance will be by 25,000 people*. Many buyers and key people with decision-making powers will be present, including those from the fashion industry as well as other industries. They will therefore be directly involved in the deal.

TV (NEWS23, Super J Channel), SNS (135 influwenzatur preżenti), WWD, Yomiuri Shimbun, eċċ. Il-midja tista 'tintuża biex ixerred informazzjoni dwar prodotti ġodda, marki u inizjattivi tal-kumpanija.

Nisimgħu l-vuċijiet tal-viżitaturi jippermettilna niġbru informazzjoni dwar il-bżonnijiet, ix-xejriet u l-ideat tagħhom għal prodotti ġodda.

L-istaff tagħna ser jagħtik appoġġ sal-jum tal-avveniment biex iżid il-bejgħ għall-kumpanija tiegħek. Dan jinkludi kif tipprepara b'mod effettiv'' u proposti ta' stand attraenti.