Fiera ta' Preċiżjoni

Fiera ta' Preċiżjoni

From November 13, 2024 until November 14, 2024

F's-Hertogenbosch - Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant, l-Olanda

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Servizzi Korporattivi, Oġġetti Industrijali

Tags: lasers

Viżti: 2402

Precisiebeurs | De vakbeurs voor de gehele precisietechnologie waardeketen

Precision technology - pushing boundaries. Pushing the boundaries with precision technology. The Precision Fair. The Precision Fair is the only trade show where you can meet the leading players in high- and ultra-precision technology and learn about their solutions. Six main themes. The Precision Fair. Ecoclean utilizes the Precision Fair to grow their business. Precision fair: networking and knowledge-sharing are essential for high-tech leaders.

Our machines and devices are getting faster, smarter, and more advanced. To develop these devices, complex technological solutions are needed where measuring, production, and construction methods that are smaller and more precise will be essential. These solutions are so complex that they can only be achieved by working together. Since 1993, the Precision Fair is the leading trade show where you can meet the best players in high- and ultra-precision technology and learn about their solutions. The Precision Fair is a trade fair that brings together many (technical disciplines) as well as specialist companies, education, and science. You can literally push technology boundaries by sharing knowledge, collaborating and working on an international scale. The 23rd Precision Fair is about pushing the boundaries of technology through international collaboration.

Il-magni u l-apparati tagħna qed isiru aktar mgħaġġla, aktar intelliġenti u aktar avvanzati. Biex jiġu żviluppati dawn l-apparati, huma meħtieġa soluzzjonijiet teknoloġiċi kumplessi fejn il-kejl, il-produzzjoni u l-metodi ta 'kostruzzjoni li huma iżgħar u aktar preċiżi jsiru essenzjali. Dawn is-soluzzjonijiet huma tant kumplessi li jistgħu jinkisbu biss billi jaħdmu flimkien.