From February 12, 2025 until February 15, 2025

F'Poznań - Fiera internazzjonali ta' Poznan, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Polonja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


kategoriji: Settur tal-Kostruzzjoni

Tags: prefab, arkitettura

Viżti: 2061

Budma. Międzynarodowe Targi Budownictwa i Architektury; 12.02.-15.02.2025

New products and premieres at trade shows. Architectural Sketches Competition. New products and premieres at trade shows. Architectural Sketches Competition. New products and premieres at trade shows. Architectural Sketches Competition. International Construction and Architecture Fair BUDMA Gold Medals. BUDMA 2020 is over! BUDMA 2020 has ended! The 2nd Poland-Ukraine Construction Convention has ended.

BUDMA 2025 Mill-Erbgħa sas-Sibt, 12-15 ta’ Frar, 2020!

Għadha kif intemmet it-32 edizzjoni tal-fiera BUDMA. Il-Fiera Internazzjonali ta’ Poznan organizzat disa’ pavaljuni fuq erbat ijiem. Il-viżitaturi ġew ittrattati għal varjetà ta 'preżentazzjonijiet, inklużi prodotti ġodda fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni, debutti fis-suq u innovazzjonijiet fit-tagħmir, kif ukoll bosta konferenzi u lekċers.

BUDMA's 32nd edition has just concluded. The International...

We will be meeting on April 8 during the second edition the Poland-Ukraine Construction Convention. This will be a continuation to the discussion about...

L-Università tat-Teknoloġija se tospita l-workshop dwar "Disinn ta' Swali Skond l-Eurocodes", organizzat mill-Uffiċċju Editorjali ta' "Nowoczesne Hall".

The largest European trade fair in this sector concluded on February 2, 2018 in the capital of Greater Poland.

BUDMA2025 is the 33rd Edition of the Construction and Architecture Fair. We are delighted to invite you! The fair will be held from February 12-15.