

From January 14, 2026 until January 16, 2026

F'Ghent - Flanders Expo, Flanders, il-Belġju

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

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Polyclose - 14-15-16 JAN 2026 Gent België

Iċ-ċavetta tiegħek għas-suq. 14-15-16 JANNAR 2020Ghent, il-Belġju.

Fiera Ewropea tal-Kummerċ għat-Teknoloġija tat-Tieqa, Bieb, Protezzjoni mix-Xemx, Faċċata u Aċċess.

"First, I'd like to welcome you to our website as a trade show organizer."

Every two years, hundreds of exhibitors, from dozens countries, do their best to make Polyclose in Ghent/Belgium a fully-fledged international trade fair. Polyclose, which held its first edition in 1992, is now the biggest event in Benelux for window, door and sun protection technology, as well as facades, access, and facades. Polyclose is everything that opens and shuts. It offers a comprehensive overview of all moving components on and within the facade. This includes gates and fences. The extensive range is perfectly coordinated. In Ghent, you'll also find the newest trends, most exciting innovations, and largest market players.

Polyclose għandha filosofija li hija bbażata fuq pedament sod. Nistgħu nirreaġixxu għall-bidliet fis-suq b'mod effettiv parzjalment minħabba li għandna fehim tajjeb tal-industrija. Aħna dejjem infittxu modi kif intejbu. Jekk jogħġbok għarrafna jekk għandek xi suġġerimenti jew kummenti.

Nixtieq nirringrazzjak mill-ġdid talli żort is-sit tagħna u nistenna bil-ħerqa l-attendenza tagħkom fil-Fiera fl-14-15-16 ta’ Jannar 2026.