Karrieretag Koblenz

Karrieretag Koblenz

From November 20, 2024 until November 20, 2024

F'Koblenz - Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Rhineland-Palatinate, il-Ġermanja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Servizzi Edukattivi

Viżti: 1773

Karrieretag Koblenz: Die Jobmesse am 10. April 2024 - EINTRITT FREI!

Our partners. Job fair in Koblenz Find your next job. All visitors are welcome. Extrait des offres d'emploi en cours. The lecture schedule. Your CV is the key to a successful application. How can I make myself stand out in the application process from my competitors? What is my DREAM Job and how can I achieve it? It is possible to achieve your dream job. Interviews are a skill you can master.

Sib impjieg ġdid. Kemm jekk int gradwat, student jew professjonist żagħżugħ, jekk trid tibdel il-karriera, jew jekk il-karriera tiegħek tinsab fi tranżizzjoni, tkellem direttament mal-maniġer tal-HR. Sir af dwar l-opportunitajiet bażiċi ta’ dħul, jew kellem lil maniġer tal-HR direttament dwar l-offerti ta’ xogħol disponibbli.

You can speak directly with the HR manager regardless of whether you're a graduate, specialist, manager or young professional. You can learn more about the basic entry opportunities, or you can talk directly to an HR manager about available job offers.

All visitors are welcome to attend. Professionals will check your application, we'll take photos of it with our photographer and offer coaching from experienced specialists. We also have a number of lectures on topics such as applications, careers, jobs, etc.

Coaching minn esperti, photoshoots għall-applikazzjonijiet mal-fotografu tagħna u ħafna lekċers dwar suġġetti bħal tiftix għal xogħol, karriera, u applikazzjoni.

Għall-gruppi Tista 'tirreġistra faċilment bl-email - jekk jogħġbok sempliċiment ibgħat persuna ta' kuntatt li se tkun fuq il-post u n-numru ta 'parteċipanti lil [protett bl-email].