

From September 30, 2024 until October 04, 2024

F'Bogotá - Corferias, Bogota, il-Kolombja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Settur tal-Inġinerija

Viżti: 1911


23 - 27. Il-fiera tal-kummerċ. Dwar ColombiaPlast. L-esportazzjonijiet tal-plastik kibru bi 22.2%, iżda l-importazzjonijiet żdiedu. Ir-riċiklaġġ tal-plastik isir aktar kompetittiv: Aspettattivi għall-2022. TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES. Il-fiera tal-kummerċ.

Il-viżitaturi għal ColombiaPlast se jsibu s-soluzzjonijiet kollha li jeħtieġu għal negozju sostenibbli, inklużi l-aħħar teknoloġiji fil-materja prima, provvisti, makkinarju, tagħmir, produzzjoni, kontroll tal-proċess, u manutenzjoni. Il-wirja tipprovdi wkoll spazji għall-konsolidazzjoni tan-negozju u l-alleanzi, biex tittejjeb il-kompetittività kemm tal-industrija kif ukoll tas-settur fir-reġjun.

Fl-2020, ir-reżini tal-plastik se jiġu pproċessati f'livell nazzjonali ta '1,33 miljun.

Il-manifatturi tal-plastik huma aktar interessati fir-riċiklaġġ tal-materjal minħabba l-kriżi internazzjonali kkawżata mill-prezz għoli tal-materja prima, u l-"imblokk loġistiku".

Il-manifatturi tal-plastik huma aktar interessati fir-riċiklaġġ tal-materjal minħabba l-kriżi internazzjonali kkawżata mill-prezz għoli tal-materja prima, u l-"imblukkar tal-loġistika".

Skopri l-aħħar aħbarijiet dwar Expoempaque u Colombiaplast fil-Fiera Internazzjonali.

Sir af dwar l-aħħar aħbarijiet u offerti speċjali minn ColombiaPlast, Expoempaque u FIB 2016.

Il-programm akkademiku estensiv tagħna jgħinek taġġorna l-għarfien tiegħek.

By accepting this message, I consent freely, spontaneously and knowingly. I also authorize CORFERIAS, to collect and retain my personal information for processing according to the CORFERIAS data policy and this authorization. CORFERIAS may use the data for marketing, advertising, and information about its own commercial activities as well the products, services, alliances, agreements and fairs that are held in CORFERIAS. This document authorizes CORFERIAS, to transfer, assign and/or transmit personal data of mine to third parties in Colombia and abroad. CORFERIAS will not be held responsible for any improper use of personal data by recipients who do so outside of the terms of the contract entered into with CORFERIAS. I am aware that, as the owner, I have certain rights and can exercise these before CORFERIAS, in accordance with the article 8 of Law No. 1581 of 2012. This corresponds to: i. Corferias can help you update, correct and know your personal data. You can request proof of authorization. Corferias will inform you, on request, about the usage of your data. Send complaints to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce if this Law is violated; v. Revocate the authorization and/or ask for the deletion of data when constitutional and legal rights and guarantees are not respected. For more information, you can consult the Corferias Data Processing Policy at the link: CORFERIAS, Carrera 37 No. 24 - 67 Bogota, Telephone: 3810000.