EXPO tat-Turiżmu Sportiv

EXPO tat-Turiżmu Sportiv

From July 03, 2024 until July 05, 2024

F'Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Saħħa u benesseri

Tags: Isport, Turiżmu Mediku

Viżti: 2003

スポーツツーリズムゾーンの出展案内 | Japan Sports Week

Tokyo Big Sight [Venue] [Date] Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (Wednesday). This zone is searching for training camps and venues.This area is for teams and sports groups. Venues and facilities that can be realized.We will all be in the same place! We will consult you on the location of the training camp and competition. /. Different sports organizations, professional teams, top-league teams. Business groups, universities and high schools, sports clubs, travel agencies and sports event organizers are all good candidates. Searching for training camps and competition venues.There are many sports teams and groups. You can sell sports organizations and teams by displaying real-life use cases, and providing information on venues and facilities. The booth can be used for various productions or promotions. You can use the booth to promote your plan. You can promote your plan to the industry.Business groups, universities and high schools.

Ġew riċevuti ħafna mistoqsijiet. L-ordni li fiha jiġu riċevuti l-applikazzjonijiet se tiddetermina l-pożizzjoni tal-kabina, għalhekk applika malajr kemm tista!

Ikklikkja hawn biex tikkuntattjana: 03-6739-4110 Ġranet tal-ġimgħa, 10:00-17:00Sponsor: RX Japan Co. Ltd.

Japan Sports Week se tospita numru kbir ta’ organizzazzjonijiet u timijiet sportivi. Il-wirja hija bbażata madwar negozjati kummerċjali. Għalhekk huwa possibbli li tinnegozja ma 'nies fl-industrija tal-isports li qed ifittxu postijiet speċifiċi għal kamp ta' taħriġ u tournaments.