Freizeit Klagenfurt

From April 04, 2025 until April 06, 2025

Fi Klagenfurt - Klagenfurter Messe, Carinthia, l-Awstrija

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

kategoriji: Midja u Divertiment

Tags: Divertiment, klieb, mixi, Electric Bicycle

Viżti: 1889

Freizeitmesse mit Urlaubstipps und Streetfood fi Kärnten

The coolest spring fair in southern Austria with plenty of free time. The leisure fair team. The team behind the leisure fair. Holiday & excursion destinations. Download the logo for the leisure fair. International wood fair.

This leisure fair in Carinthia gets you ready for spring holidays. This trade fair in Carinthia offers information on holiday destinations and tips, as well as tips for activities to enjoy in your garden. At your own pool, for example. Street food is available at the street food promenade.

Auto & Bike provides a comprehensive overview of the current car market. Here you can also find tips for tuning your car professionally. Fans of two-wheelers will also find plenty to enjoy. There is a large area dedicated to bikes and motorcycles.

Huwa permess li jġibu klieb. Il-klieb kollha jridu jilbsu l-geddum u jkunu biċ-ċinga.

Il-viżitaturi taċ-ċentru tal-wirjiet tagħna huma offruti servizz tax-shuttle b'xejn kull 15-il minuta bejn id-dħul u l-ħruġ tal-bini tagħna.

Dan imur bejn il-parkeġġ b'xejn (l-awtostrada) f'August-Jaksch-Strasse u l-entratura prinċipali fuq St. Ruprechter Strasse (lvant) u Rosentaler Strasse (punent).

Tgħallem kif grill u BBQ id-dar, u kampjun tal-ikel delizzjuż fuq il-post. B'XEJN! Jekk int bil-ġuħ, tista 'tixtri burgers Delicious. Iż-żona ta 'barra A.

Irrilassa fl-oasi tal-benessri tiegħek stess. Fis-Sala 4, tista 'ssib dak kollu li għandek bżonn biex tibni l-pool jew il-ġnien tiegħek, kif ukoll l-aħħar tendenzi.