M + R

M + R

From March 26, 2025 until March 27, 2025

F'Antwerp - Antwerp Expo, Flanders, Belġju

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

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kategoriji: Servizzi Korporattivi, Settur tal-Inġinerija

Tags: Pompi, Kejl

Viżti: 2097

Welkom bij M+R 2025

Il-futur tat-Teknoloġija tal-Kejl u l-Kontroll. Id-dati tal-avveniment huma s-26 u s-27 ta’ Marzu 2025. Nirringrazzjaw lill-viżitaturi, l-imsieħba u l-esebituri kollha tagħna. Narawkom dalwaqt fl-edizzjoni li jmiss. Igawdu l-edizzjoni tal-2023 ta’ Manutenzjoni, Pompi u Valvoli u M+R. Peter Leemans, il-Maniġer tal-Bejgħ ta' Vega, jispjega l-esperjenza tiegħu. Kif se tkun il-fiera fl-2022? Erġa’ gawdi l-fiera!

Future of Measurement and Control Technology26-27 March 2025Antwerp ExpoThis is the place for all professionals involved in measuring and controlling instrumentation, (controll) valves, electric equipment, or analytical instruments for the process industries.Book your standAll visitors, exhibitors, and partners are thankedThank you for visiting or participating in M+R. We can look back on an edition that was a great success thanks to the positive feedback. In just two days, 59 exhibitors and their partners attracted 2,376 visitors.See you soon at the next edition.Antwerp Expo will be held on 26 and 27 March 2025.Enjoy the 2023 edition of Maintenance and Pumps & Valves, M+R.Read the Press ReleasePeter Leemans, a Vega resident, shares his experience.Experience the fair in 2022Enjoy the atmosphere once more!It is essential in the process industry to be able monitor production continuously using the right instrumentation. You need the latest technology to manage the complexity of installation and unexpected circumstances. The Antwerp Expo, which is the largest Benelux exhibition on this topic, gathered all the important developments in process instrumentation on the 26th and 27th of March.Do you have a specialization in (control) valves, analytical instruments, or electrical equipment for the process industries? M+R 2020 brings together supply and demand thanks to:All-in-stand formulas starting at 12m2 and up.Qualitative.