Wirja DX tal-Gvern Lokali

From June 26, 2024 until June 28, 2024

F'Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]



A showcase of solutions for "DX/digitalization"The 4th Local Government DX Exhibition. Visits are open to anyone involved in gathering information or selecting these services! Local governments from all prefectures, including 999 local government representatives, have visited the site so far. . Comprehensive Strategy for the Digital Garden City National ConceptRegions with advanced wellbeingToyama Prefecture’s Growth Strategy Based on experience and lessons.Kobe City's efforts in disaster prevention and mitigation. To the realization of sustainable maintenance of infrastructurePromotion of strategic management for regional infrastructure revitalization National Strategic Special ZonesSmart city concept in Kaga City. See the video from the venue of last year! /. Q. Q. .

Digitalization of local governments, offices, legislators and public institutionsThe exhibition will feature services like "DX Human Resource Support," "various Operational Efficiency," and "Security.".

Il-gvernijiet lokali għandhom id-dipartimenti li ġejjin.[DX/promozzjoni diġitali, promozzjoni tal-informatizzazzjoni] [Ippjanar, politika, riforma amministrattiva] [Affarijiet ġenerali, riżorsi umani, segretarjali], eċċ.

The companies that attended the exhibition were looking for new ideas and ways to support the creation of jobs in their region. They also held meetings with specific companies. It is very informative because the exhibition brings together many exhibitors who have different services and achievements. I am looking forward to seeing the next booth that will be devoted to AI and technology.