Fiera ta' Flats u Djar

Fiera ta' Flats u Djar

From April 20, 2024 until April 21, 2024

Fi Wroclaw - Centennial Hall, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Polonja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Bini u Kostruzzjoni

Tags: Kamra

Viżti: 1738

Targi Mieszkań i Domów we Wrocławiu 13-14 kwietnia 2024 r.

Find your dream M! Find your dream M! Find your dream M! DOSPON is the partner of the Secondary Market Zone at the Fair's spring edition. DOSPON is the partner of the Secondary Market Zone in the Fair's spring edition. This year, the spring edition of Fair will feature the creator of The House as an exhibitor. Flixhome, a prefabricated house exhibitor at the Apartments and Houses Fair.

Il-Fiera tal-Appartamenti u d-Dar hija organizzata darbtejn fis-sena, f’ħames ibliet. Il-kunċett huwa sempliċi: Dawk li jattendu huma dawk li qed jippjanaw jew bħalissa qed jippjanaw li jixtru appartament. Dawk li jesibixxu huma dawk li jbigħu, jimmedjaw u jisilfu, jibnu u jżejnu, u jiddisinjaw. Tista' tippjana l-għażla kollha, ix-xiri u l-arranġament ta' appartament f'post wieħed, b'parir espert b'xejn.

The Wroclaw Congress Center is inviting you on April 13 & 14, 2024.

Lower Silesian Association of Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Managers – DOSPON – Partner of the Secondary Market Zone at the spring edition of TMiD.

Lower Silesian Association of Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Managers (DOSPON) - Partner of Zone...

You are invited to BMM Deweloper Stand C2!

Arkop Deweloper invites you to its stand at the Spring edition of TMiD.

3D Estate provides its clients with a modern presentation for their development investments. This includes virtual tours, 3D projects and...

Tekce għal darb'oħra huwa membru tal-grupp tagħna ta 'esibituri.