Fabbrika intelliġenti EXPO ħarifa

Fabbrika intelliġenti EXPO ħarifa

From September 04, 2024 until September 06, 2024

F'Chiba - Makuhari Messe, Prefettura ta' Chiba, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Settur tat-Teknoloġija

Tags: fabbrika

Viżti: 1672

【9月東京】Factory Innovation Week 秋|製造業に革新をもたらす展示会

Ġimgħa tal-Innovazzjoni tal-Fabbrika Ħarifa. X'inhu Factory Innovation Week (Ħarifa)? Intervisti ma' esebituri (2022). Factory Innovation Week isseħħ erba 'darbiet fis-sena.

This exhibition is composed of three exhibitions, Smart Factory EXPO which represents digitalization,'' Robodex which represents automation'', and Manufacturing Carbon Neutral Expo which represents decarbonization.Factory Innovation Week will be a large exhibition that covers the three main trends in manufacturing.

Robodex (Ħarifa) hija wirja komprensiva ta 'robots, inklużi AGVs użati f'fabbriki u siti loġistiċi. Jinkludi wkoll partijiet u materjali li jistgħu jintużaw biex jinbnew robots.

Smart Factory EXPO (Ħarifa) hija wirja DX tal-manifattura li turi teknoloġiji biex tirrealizza DX tal-manifattura. Dawn jinkludu monitoraġġ mill-bogħod, manutenzjoni ta’ tbassir, analitika ta’ big data, u wirt tat-teknoloġija.

The Manufacturing Carbon Neutral Expo (Autumn) will feature technologies that can make factories carbon-neutral, including FEMS, CO2/energy visualisation, renewable energy and energy-saving devices.

2024/04/19 [For those who are considering exhibiting] "Kansai exhibition information session" will take place in Osaka between May 8th and 10th.2024/03/06 Introduction of comments from visitors and exhibitors.2024/02/15 [Introducing the industries and occupations of visitors/achievements of exhibitors] Reporting session for the Tokyo exhibition held in January this year will be held!2024/01/17 "First time in Kansai May 2025!" [Kansai] Factory Innovation Week at Intex OsakaThe 2024/01/15 [Introduction of results for exhibitors] A report session will be held on the exhibition site.