Fiera Elettronika

Fiera Elettronika

From April 02, 2025 until April 03, 2025

F'Gothenburg - Prioritet Serneke Arena, Kontea ta' Västra Götaland, l-Isvezja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Industrija Elettronika

Tags: Elettronika, Bojlers, Electronics

Viżti: 1470

Elektronikmässan | Göteborg 2023

Gothenburg. Parallel għall-Inġinerija Avvanzata. ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK KORS FIL-ELECTRONICS FAIR 2023. AXPLOCK MILL-USSEMINAR PROGRAMM - 2023 Electronics News. L-akbar fiera kummerċjali ta 'din is-sena għall-elettronika qed tiffoka fuq aħbarijiet u tendenzi. Helene Winberg hija r-rebbieħa tal-2023 tal-premju tal-mudell femminili fl-industrija tal-elettronika. Easyfairs issa ġie ċċertifikat skont il-Bażi Ambjentali Svediża, standard nazzjonali għall-ġestjoni ambjentali.

We look back with a smile at the Electronics Fair Gothenburg, which has closed its doors. Parallel to the Advanced Engineering and Electronics Fairs, which took place on April 19-20 at Prioritet Serneke, over 150 exhibitors and their partners, as well as over 3,000 attendees, gathered in record numbers. The atmosphere created on site was one of innovation, engineering, and high-quality electronics.

We all felt the joy of a reunion when we returned to Gothenburg for the fair. Now, as we recharge our batteries and look forward, everyone is happy!

In the spring of 2025, Sweden's largest electronics meeting will return to Gothenburg! You as a visitor will be able to stay up-to-date with the latest electronic news thanks to our wide range of exhibitors. The exhibition floor is home to everything from electronics giants to new innovative start-ups.

Kelliema b'fehim profond tal-industrija jispirawk u jaġġornawk. Fuq il-palk, se tisma' dwar l-aħbarijiet, l-isfidi u x-xejriet tal-industrija.