EXPO tal-Ġestjoni tal-Assi [Sajf]

EXPO tal-Ġestjoni tal-Assi [Sajf]

From July 12, 2024 until July 14, 2024

F'Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Servizzi Finanzjarji

Viżti: 1461


Japan's largest asset management event!Stocks, real estate, and insurance products, as well as physical assets, are all gathered together in one location. Seminars by world-renowned instructors can teach you a lot!All levels of players are welcome, from beginners to advanced.

You can search for the list of products and exhibitors to be displayed. *Currently preparing a search engine for 2024 exhibitors and products.

You can navigate the exhibition more efficiently if you know the location of the exhibitors or products that you want to see.

F'39 qasam differenti, bħall-pubblikazzjoni, dehbijiet, nuċċalijiet u elettronika, kif ukoll IT, enerġija u farmaċewtiċi*, 90 fiera internazzjonali jsiru kull sena f'postijiet fuq skala kbira bħal Tokyo Big Sight u Makuhari Messe. Regolarment.*Wirjiet komposti Total 372 Wirjiet.

1. Il-wirja tan-negozju tgħin lill-esebituri jżidu l-bejgħ tagħhom.2. Il-fieri tal-kummerċ jistgħu jgħinu biex jirrivitalizzaw u jiżviluppaw diversi industriji3. Il-Ġappun huwa ċentru tal-kummerċ grazzi għall-fieri kummerċjali tiegħu.4. Il-fieri kummerċjali huma sors kbir ta' benefiċċju ekonomiku għall-bliet ospitanti5. Il-fieri kummerċjali huma mod tajjeb ħafna biex jippromwovu l-kummerċ internazzjonali, u jikkontribwixxu wkoll għat-tkabbir tal-ekonomija globali.

* Based on comparisons of this exhibition with similar asset management related exhibitions.The final estimate of the number of exhibitor and seminar numbers is as of March 13th, 2024. This may change when the event takes place.The number of exhibitors does not just include the companies who exhibit, but also includes group companies or partner companies that exhibit together.*The organizer is not responsible for the content of exhibitors' exhibitions, their explanations, investment products, franchises etc. Handled by exhibitors.The exhibitor will provide all explanations and consultations. You should carefully listen to any explanations given by the exhibitors before making a decision about investment products or franchises.Depending on the industry, there may also be legal restrictions that limit the content of the explanations and consultations. Please take note.