From January 23, 2025 until January 27, 2025

F'Lyon - Eurexpo Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Franza

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Ospitalità u Servizzi, Industrija tal-Ikel

Viżti: 1842

Żur Sirha Lyon mit-23 sas-27 ta’ Jannar 2025, il-post tal-laqgħa globali għal-lukandi, ristoranti u catering

Sirha Lyon 2023 best of. Sirha Lyon 2023: a powerful 21st edition, reflecting a sector with international, sustainable and technological challenges. Awards ceremony: Futur(e)s Food. Bocuse d'Or - 2023 Finale. Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie (World Pastry Cup). 23 TO 27 JANUARY 2023 Eurexpo Lyon, France.

By exhibiting at Sirha Lyon, you are at the heart of the global Food Service market. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet 200,000 qualified professionals, French and international, gathered for 5 days around the desire to generate business.

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