[Nagoya] Mechanical Element Technology Expo (M-Tech Nagoya)

[Nagoya] Mechanical Element Technology Expo (M-Tech Nagoya)

From April 09, 2025 until April 11, 2025

F'Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Prefettura ta 'Aichi, Ġappun

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


kategoriji: Settur tal-Inġinerija, Settur tat-Teknoloġija

Tags: Mekkanika

Viżti: 2208

Komponenti mekkaniċi u Teknoloġija Expo | M-Tech | Wirja ta 'Partijiet tal-Magni, Trattament tal-wiċċ u Teknoloġiji tal-Ipproċessar

Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo. What is Mechanical Components & Technology Expo? Exhibits & Visitors Profile. Become an exhibitor. 10 Concurrent Shows.

Mechanical Components & Technology Expo is an exhibition of mechanical components such as motors, bearings, screws and springs, as well as cutting, pressing and surface treatment technologies. Every year, a large number of visitors from the design, development, prototyping, manufacturing, production engineering and purchasing departments come to the exhibition to discuss business with the exhibitors. Mechanical Components & Technology Expo is held at Tokyo and also in Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka.

● Teknoloġiji tal-moviment Berings, viti tal-ballun, gerijiet ta 'tnaqqis, couplings, gerijiet, ċinturini, ktajjen, lubrikanti, eċċ ●Mutur, sewwieq Muturi, sewwieqa, kontrolluri, attwaturi, eċċ ●Idrawlika u pnewmatika Tagħmir idrawliku, tagħmir pnewmatiku, tagħmir idrawliku, pompi, eċċ ●Piping komponenti Fittings, valvi, żennuni, tubi, siġilli, eċċ.

●Processing technology and machine materials Processing technologies such as cutting, pressing, sheet metal, forging, casting, resin processing, welding/joining and cutting, as well as materials and materials ●Fasteners and springs Screws, fasteners, screw fastening products, springs, wire products, etc. ●Mechanical components Mechanical components such as handles, levers, castors and handles ●Surface treatment and modification technology Surface treatment and modification technologies such as plating and coating.