Channel Live

Channel Live

From March 12, 2025 until March 13, 2025

F'Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: IT u Teknoloġija, Kompjuter u aġġeġġi

Tags: Kompjuter, Gadgets

Viżti: 6373

Channel Live - L-akbar avveniment tar-Renju Unit tal-ICT Channel

The UK's largest ICT Channel Exhibition and Conference. Exhibit at Channel Live. EXHIBIT at Channel Live. Highlights of the first day! Channel Live 2024 now includes roundtables. Connect with us! Download the Channel Live App. Channel Live After Hours. Join the discussion! PSTN: Exploring the Opportunities, Addressing the Threat. Channel Live Conference Programme published. DIGITAL SWITCH HUB SPONSOR.

L-NEC, Birmingham.

Channel Live is THE networking hub of the ICT Channel. It connects IT resellers with service providers, MSPs, Channel partners and vendors.In 2025, instead of the usual, we will replace it with a new experience that offers unmatched business leads. All attendees are encouraged to become active participants through a schedule of individual meetings.Register your interest.

Channel Live huwa Iċ-ċentru tan-netwerking tal-ICT Channel. Tgħaqqad lill-bejjiegħa mill-ġdid tal-IT ma 'fornituri tas-servizz, MSPs, imsieħba tal-Kanal, u bejjiegħa.

In 2025, instead of the usual, we will replace it with a new experience that offers unmatched business leads. All attendees are encouraged to become active participants through a schedule of individual meetings.

Wirjiet fuq Channel LiveChannel Live hija destinazzjoni ewlenija għall-bejjiegħa u d-distributuri li jixtiequ jilħqu udjenza mmirata ta 'bejjiegħa mill-ġdid. Sir af aktar.

Channel Live hija destinazzjoni ewlenija għall-bejjiegħa u d-distributuri li jixtiequ jilħqu udjenza mmirata ta 'bejjiegħa mill-ġdid. Sir af aktar.