Eat & Drink Festival

Eat & Drink Festival

From March 21, 2025 until April 06, 2025

F'Londra - Olympia Londra, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Ikel u Xorb

Tags: Celebrity, Festival

Viżti: 7506

The Eat & Drink Festival - Ideal Show

Eat & Drink Festival. Video of the Eat & drink Festival. The next generation of flavour is here. Explore Eat & Drink Festival spring. Continental Cottage is one of the Eat & Drink Festival spring exhibitors. The Olive Architects. The Magic Knife Company. Oddono's Gelati Italiani. Tonibell Ice Cream Ltd. Contact them about a sponsorship or a display. Dream Home Sponsors. Other Shows & Publications.

The UK's favorite indoor food festival - celebrates the best of modern cuisine, mixology and delicious global dishes all under one roof.You will find something to suit every taste and you can be sure that you'll be in food heaven.Our distinct areas each have their own unique ambience and a feast for the soul with interactive features. Eat, drink, shop, and enjoy yourself in our distinct areas. Celebrity chefs will share their best tips and tricks to help visitors create delicious meals. There are also independent artisan producers who sell an eclectic selection, street food vendors and mixologists.

Il-festival favorit tal-ikel fuq ġewwa tar-Renju Unit - jiċċelebra l-aqwa kċina moderna, mixology u platti globali delizzjużi kollha taħt saqaf wieħed.

Issib xi ħaġa li taqbel għal kull togħma u tista’ tkun ċert minn ġenna tal-ikel.

Our distinct areas each have their own unique ambience and a feast for the soul with interactive features. Eat, drink, shop, and enjoy yourself in our distinct areas. Celebrity chefs will share their best tips and tricks to help visitors create delicious meals. There are also independent artisan producers who sell an eclectic selection, street food vendors and mixologists.