

From May 21, 2025 until May 24, 2025

F'Bologna - Fiera di Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, l-Italja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

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kategoriji: Industrija tal-Karozzi

Viżti: 6324

Autopromotec - Id-30 Wirja Internazzjonali Biennali ta 'Tagħmir tal-Karozzi u Prodotti ta' Wara l-Bejgħ

Autopromotec Blog: News. Marcin Barankiewicz has been appointed as the new Secretary General of EGEA. IAAE will feature Japan's automotive industry aftermarket. UNITI expo will be showcasing innovations in the car wash, oil and lubrication sector. Autopromotec news. Autopromotec launches the road to 2025. Pre-registration for Autopromotec 2020 is now available online. A successful first edition. Futurmotive – Expo & Talks puts the challenges of new mobility at the forefront.