FoodPro Expo

FoodPro Expo

From March 08, 2025 until March 11, 2025

F'Johannesburg - Johannesburg Expo Centre, Gauteng, l-Afrika t'Isfel

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Industrija tal-Ikel, Servizzi ta 'stampar

Tags: Snack

Viżti: 6003

Aħbarijiet – Propak Africa 2025

11 MAR-2025. Propak Africa huwa avveniment dirett li jattira eluf ta’ attendenti. Propak Africa turi l-aħħar tendenzi fl-ippakkjar. Propak Africa tippreżenta l-aħħar prodotti, teknoloġiji u innovazzjonijiet. Propak Africa huwa post tajjeb ħafna biex tara l-aħħar prodotti, teknoloġiji u innovazzjonijiet. Live Expo biex terġa 'tibda l-Industrija tal-Wirjiet u Avvenimenti. Propak Africa 2019, li jiftaħ għada fiċ-Ċentru tal-Expo ta’ Johannesburg, huwa avveniment ġdid.

Show NewsPropak Africa brings thousands of visitors to a live eventPropak Africa welcomes thousands to the live eventContinue reading >>March 11, 2022Show NewsPropak Africa highlights the latest trends in packaging across all spectrumsPropak Africa reveals the latest packaging trends.Continue reading >>March 4, 2022Show NewsPropak Africa - the latest in technology, innovation and productsPropak Africa is a must-attend event for anyone involved in packaging or related industries.Continue reading >>February 25, 2022Show NewsPropak Africa - the latest in technology, innovation and productsPropak Africa is a must-attend event for anyone involved in packaging or related industries.Continue reading >>February 24, 2022Show NewsLive Expo to Restart the Exhibitions and Events IndustryLive Expo Will Restart Exhibitions And Events The South African government announced that the exhibitions and events sector would be given a new lease of life.Continue reading >>October 19, 2020Show NewsPropak Africa 2019 is opening tomorrow at the Johannesburg Expo CentrePropak Africa 2019 will open tomorrow at the Johannesburg Expo Centre. An all-encompassing trade show, Propak Africa is a platform for learning, networking and product sourcing.Continue reading >>tttJune 29, 2020Show NewsPropak Africa showcases latest packaging innovationPropak Africa to showcase la.