Digital Gaming India Expo

Digital Gaming India Expo

From March 19, 2025 until March 21, 2025

Fi New Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, l-Indja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Divertiment u Midja, IT u Teknoloġija

Tags: Logħob Online, Gaming

Viżti: 7997

Digital Gaming expo - Il-logħba hija fuq: Gaming Arena, Konferenzi, Expo, Wirjiet, Wirjiet tal-Kummerċ fl-Indja

The Digital Gaming India Expo 2023 brings together the entire ecosystem from India and abroad to take the Indian Gaming Industry up to the next stage. The forum promotes collaboration between gaming companies, and features institutions that are working on cutting-edge technology such as AR/VR and Blockchain.India's gaming sector has experienced a rapid growth in recent years. India skipped over a whole generation of PC- and console-based gaming and jumped straight to mobile gaming. Black swan events like the Covid 19 Pandemic that caused disruptions led to a reduction in physical and social interactions. Coupled with the penetration of cheap mobile internet, this led to a rapid increase in users, app downloads and engagement.India has the largest market for online gaming in terms of app downloads. India has over 400 million gamers and 500+ studios. According to a KPMG Report India's Online Gaming Market is expected to grow by 600-650 million users by FY 2025.

L-espożizzjoni toffri għadd ta’ opportunitajiet għal innovaturi u dilettanti tal-logħob biex jibnu l-marka tagħhom, iniedu soluzzjonijiet ġodda u jgħaqqdu ma’ dawk li jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet.

Sib imsieħba kummerċjali ġodda, qabbad ma' sħabhom u esperti tal-industrija biex issib soluzzjonijiet għall-aktar sfidi iebsa.

Ibqa' aġġornat bl-aħħar soluzzjonijiet u teknoloġiji tal-logħob.

Digital Gaming India Expo hija pjattaforma unika li tippermettilek tikkonnettja u netwerk ma 'professjonisti fl-industrija, titgħallem dwar l-aħjar prattiki, u tikkontribwixxi għat-tkabbir tas-settur.