Internet tal-Oġġetti India Expo

Internet tal-Oġġetti India Expo

From March 19, 2025 until March 21, 2025

Fi New Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, l-Indja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: IT u Teknoloġija

Tags: Internet

Viżti: 7214

IoT India Expo - Avvenimenti tat-Teknoloġija IoT, Konferenzi, Expo, Wirjiet, Wirjiet tal-Kummerċ fl-Indja

India will be the cradle of internet-of-things deployments, thanks to its vibrant economic system and its potential to become a global leader in manufacturing. The fourth wave is all about digital empowerment and driving new IT services and technologies across edge and cloud assets in order to drive productivity. These technologies range from artificial intelligence and digital twins to industrial IoT platforms and advanced analytics. They serve the core needs of the manufacturing industry. The Internet of Things boom has been seen in the past few years.IoT India Expo showcases organizations that are leading the way with IoT adoption. This allows them to accelerate into a world of business faster, with more accurate information, and ensures their business can flourish through new technology adoptions. This event, which is the largest enterprise event in IoT and Blockchain, AI, Big Data and Cyber Security, provides a platform for IT Professionals who want to discuss and meet the future of technology. It is for everyone from enterprise to government to SMBs and technology and service providers.

Esplora d-dinja tal-IoT bil-pjattaforma ewlenija għall-qsim u d-diskussjoni ta’ riċerka avvanzata u avvanzi teknoloġiċi li jippermettu lill-organizzazzjonijiet imexxu trasformazzjoni diġitali ġdida.

Saħħa Diġitali huwa t-terminu użat biex jiddeskrivi s-servizzi u l-prattiki mediċi offruti fuq u permezz ta’ pjattaformi diġitali. Hija idea sempliċi li tuża t-teknoloġija biex ittejjeb is-saħħa u l-benessri tal-individwi...