Infurza Tac

Infurza Tac

From February 24, 2025 until February 26, 2025

F'Nuremberg - NurnbergMesse GmbH, il-Bavarja, il-Ġermanja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

kategoriji: Servizzi Edukattivi, Servizzi tas-Sigurtà

Tags: Militari, Termali

Viżti: 6097

Inforza Tac | Fiera tal-kummerċ għall-aġenziji tas-sigurtà

Specialised for specific situations Topics to be covered in 2024. Enforce Tac exhibitors & products. More space for a huge variety of visitors and exhibitors. Enforce Tac is a great place to exhibit. Enforce Tac visitors. Enforce Tac is looking for media representatives or content creators.

')Hall this.hall/ Booth Number (this.booth) /kull.

')Hall this.hall/ Booth Number (this.booth) /kull.

The trade fair will be open to members of the official security agencies, armed forces and other government officials from February 24-26, 2025.

Enforce Tac is the meeting place of the security professionals in government agencies and the military. The trade fair offers everything government security personnel and military personnel require in a discrete atmosphere and of the highest quality.The common goal of these companies is to develop new products in consultation with experts and to work together in order to enhance the security of Germany and Europe.

ĠODDA fl-2024, Enforce Tac qed jinżamm fuq tlett ijiem!

Enforce Tac jipprovdi ħarsa mingħajr paragun fis-soluzzjonijiet tas-sigurtà rilevanti għall-missjoni, kemm għall-ambjent intern kif ukoll estern. Il-fokus, l-ispeċjalizzazzjoni u l-għarfien espert tal-avveniment huma dak li jagħmluha tispikka minn avvenimenti oħra fl-industrija. Inforza Tac 2020:.

Are you curious about which companies will be attending Enforce Tac and what products they will be presenting? Plan your visit using our search for exhibitors and products!