Rotors Ewropej

Rotors Ewropej

From November 18, 2025 until November 20, 2025

F'Cologne - Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, il-Ġermanja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]

kategoriji: Trasport u Loġistika

Viżti: 6041


EUROPEAN ROTORS - 2024. The dates are 4-7 November, 2024. (The exhibits will be open from 5-7 November). EUROPEAN ROTORS by the numbers. Participating Countries 80. Aircraft on Display: 23. RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Halls 8 and 9.RAI Virtual Tour

"We are a manufacturer of ground support equipment for helicopters and we had a great show this year." We are so happy to be here, and we look forward to the next show. It was a great show for us because we had a lot of good conversations with customers.

This year, we absolutely loved EUROPEAN ROTORS. There were a lot of cool things happening, and pilots needing to enter the industry."

Valentina Calabrese, Sales ManagerPhone: +1 352 388 7031.

The Wyman CompanyKatie White, Sales ManagerEmail: [protett bl-email]: +1 352 388 7031.

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