Dħul Dortmund

Dħul Dortmund

From August 30, 2024 until August 31, 2024

F'Dortmund - Messe Dortmund GmbH / Eingang Nord, North Rhine-Westphalia, il-Ġermanja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


kategoriji: Servizzi Edukattivi

Tags: Taħriġ

Viżti: 6782

Einstieg Dortmund

Trade fair for gap years, training & studies. Entry Dortmund 2024. What awaits you when you enter Dortmund: Here's how it works at entry Dortmund. Here is where your future begins. Our trade shows - explained simply. Partner for cooperation.

Il-Ġimgħa, 9 am - 2 pm Is-Sibt, 10 am - 4 pm

Inti taqbila? Tista' tuża l-kontroll tal-imgħax biex issir taf liema esebituri huma l-aktar rilevanti għall-interessi tiegħek. Agħmel verifika.

Tista 'tuża l-kontroll tal-imgħax biex issir taf liema esebituri huma l-aktar rilevanti għall-interessi tiegħek.

icon_cta-arrow Irreġistra Issa B'xejn!

Kontroll tal-interess X'inhuma l-aħjar esebituri għalik?

Il-FAQL-ewwel darba li tattendi fiera tal-karriera.

Flyer għall-iskola Ħarsa ġenerali.

Preparazzjoni tal-fiera tal-kummerċ Ipprepara għall-aħjar żjara possibbli f'fiera tal-kummerċ billi tipprepara lilek innifsek minn qabel!

X'għandi nagħmel wara l-iskola? Tista' tistaqsi lilek innifsek, "X'suppost nagħmel wara l-iskola?" Wasal iż-żmien li fl-aħħar issib it-tweġibiet. Ejja Dortmund. Tista' tikseb ħarsa ġenerali tajba tal-għażliet li għandek għall-istudju, it-taħriġ jew is-snin ta' vojt fl-akbar fiera ta' taħriġ u studju taż-żona tar-Ruhr. Fuq jumejn, numru kbir ta’ esebituri se jippreżentaw il-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħhom fid-dettall.

You can also look at the dual study and training programs that different companies offer. You can ask university representatives to explain how a program of study is organized, what the content is and what you can use it for after graduation. Are you attracted to distance or the unknown? Many gap year providers offer information on volunteering and staying abroad. Professional associations, chambers of commerce, authorities, Ministries, the Federal Employment Agency, and many others can answer your questions. Also, you can attend exciting lectures at the entry stage.