f.re.e Divertiment u Ivvjaġġar

f.re.e Divertiment u Ivvjaġġar

From February 19, 2025 until February 23, 2025

Fi Munich - Wirja Munich, il-Bavarja, il-Ġermanja

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net


f.re.e | Bayerns größte Reise- und Freizeitmesse

f.re.e 202519th-23rd February. It's worth exhibiting. Impressions of f.re.e. 2024. This was f.re.e. 2024. Press information current. Visitor information.

Register now for 2025 and discover the highlights of f.re.e 2024 in the fact sheet! Discover the highlights of 2024 and register now for 2025!

Igawdu l-gallerija tar-ritratti u l-vidjo tagħna tal-passat f.re.e. Kun ispirat minn dawn il-mumenti indimentikabbli, u ħerqana li f.re.e. 2025.

A trade fair stand is the best way to ensure your success at the largest travel and leisure fair in Bavaria.

The largest travel and leisure fair in Bavaria, f.re.e. It has offered inspiration, information and equipment for travel and leisure since 1970. You won't find this many experts anywhere else. Compare the offers and have a conversation with a professional.

Explore the five subject areas, and be inspired by the exhibitors and the offers. Learn more about the fun and exciting activities that you can enjoy at f.re.e. Discover the many possibilities that f.re.e has to offer.

Madwar 1,000 esebitur minn 50 pajjiż differenti wrew prodotti ġodda fis-setturi tal-ivvjaġġar, tal-ikkampjar u tal-karavanning, u tar-roti.

L-akbar fiera tal-ivvjaġġar u tad-divertiment fil-Bavarja, li ssir mill-14 sat-18 ta’ Frar, 2024, se turi l-aqwa tal-Bavarja u tispira lill-viżitaturi bid-destinazzjonijiet sbieħ tagħha.

L-akbar fiera tal-ivvjaġġar u tad-divertiment fil-Bavarja se tibda fi ftit ġimgħat qosra fiċ-Ċentru tal-Wirjiet ta’ Munich. Il-fiera se jkollha madwar 1,000 esebitur li jirrappreżentaw 50 pajjiż.