Ippakkjar ta 'Premium & Luxury Drink

Ippakkjar ta 'Premium & Luxury Drink

From January 24, 2025 until January 25, 2025

F'Pariġi - Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Île-de-France, Franza

Mibgħut minn Canton Fair Net

[protett bl-email]


kategoriji: Ippakkjar & Ippakkjar

Tags: Ippakkjar, Lussu

Viżti: 7422

Il-Ġimgħa ta' l-Ippakkjar ta' Pariġi |

Packaging innovation is our passion. Create the future of your brand. Your product will be the focus of events. Experiences that inspire. World-leading suppliers. What to expect in 2025 The hall will be bigger and better. World-leading suppliers. PCD full-service zone. Opening night awards ceremony. Experts will teach you. Alain D'Haese. European Aerosol Federation (FEA). Thatchers Cider made from green energy. Aptar Beauty and iD Scent - a promising partnership


Paris Packaging Week huwa l-festival tal-ippakkjar li rebaħ premjijiet għall-prodotti tas-sbuħija u l-kura personali tiegħu, xorb premium, aerosols, u prodotti ta 'lussu.

L-erba 'wirjiet ta' Paris Packaging Week - ADF PCD PLD Packaging Premiere u Packaging Premiere jgħinu lill-marki joħolqu t-tnedija tal-prodott li jmiss tagħhom.

Kif? Kif?

Skopri l-ispettaklu u ibni l-futur tal-marka tiegħek.

ADF, PCD u PLD, l-erba 'avvenimenti ta' Paris Packaging Week huma opportunità biex jinħolqu negozju u innovazzjoni.

The 2025 edition will bring the biggest innovation ever seen in the history of the show. The 2025 edition will feature a range of new features and enhancements that will bring in more packaging designers and buyers.

The four conferences will feature 100+ experts in the fields of design, innovation and sustainability, as well as aerosols and dispensing. Past speakers include:.

Żomm aġġornat bl-aħħar tendenzi u innovazzjonijiet fl-industrija tiegħek.