From March 14, 2025 until March 18, 2025

F'Hamburg - Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Hamburg, il-Ġermanja

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INTERNORGA | Leading Trade Fair għall-Industrija tal-Ospitalità u r-Ristoranti - INTERNORGA

Exhibitor directory. INTERNORGA Award for the Future Downloads and press material. Registration of exhibitors. INTERNORGA is the Leading Trade Fair in the Hospitality and Food Industry. Thank you for an INTERNORGA success in 2024! What The Food! Foodlab. What drives the Hospitality and Restaurant Industry? News from the industry. News from INTERNORGA. INTERNORGA FoodZoom: International Fun Facts and Eatertainment.

Issa huwa ż-żmien li tirriserva l-istand tiegħek f'INTERNORGA 2020.

INTERNORGA - Qofol mhux imqabbel għall-industrija tas-servizz tal-ikel u l-ospitalità!

Hamburg huwa mimli bl-aroma ta 'prodotti tal-ikel innovattivi u xejriet għall-industriji tal-lukandi, tal-catering u tal-ħami. Fl-2024, mit-8 sat-12 ta 'Marzu, il-Belt Anseatika se terġa' ssir INTERNORGA Town li tgħaqqad is-settur kollu tas-servizzi tal-ikel u l-industrija tal-ospitalità mill-Alster jew Elbe.

The motto of the fair was "All Together". This meant that attendees were treated to exhibitors from around the globe, a supporting programme full of high-quality conferences and exciting competitions as well as plenty time to network.

Trid tkun taf x'hemm ġdid u eċċitanti fl-Industrija tal-Ospitalità u r-Ristoranti? Trid tkun taf dwar l-aħħar u l-aktar żviluppi eċċitanti fl-Industrija tal-Ospitalità u r-Ristoranti? Int sibt il-post it-tajjeb. Hawnhekk issib numru ta’ vidjows li jagħtuk informazzjoni dwar l-aktar suġġetti importanti ta’ INTERNORGA.