
Broker Expo 2024

Broker Expo
From October 10, 2024 until October 10, 2024
Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit
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Broker Expo

Broker Expo is the UK's only event where brokers and insurers can do more business on a single day than they could in three months. Join sessions that address key issues affecting the brokering community, and take away the knowledge you need to return to your office. We thank you for attending Broker Expo. Join us at 10 October 2024. In partnership with. CPD-accredited content.

Broker Expo, bħala parti mir-Renju Unit Broker Week tgħaqqad flimkien aktar minn 1200+ sensara tal-assigurazzjoni bbażati fir-Renju Unit sabiex turi l-aħħar offerti u soluzzjonijiet mill-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni. L-avveniment jinkludi ġurnata sħiħa ta 'korsijiet akkreditati CPD, workshops edukattivi u panels.

GrovesJohnWestrup Private Clients hija proposta ġdida mfassla speċifikament għal sensara tal-assigurazzjoni li huma kapaċi joffru soluzzjonijiet apposta u kumplessi għal klijenti b'valur nett għoli. Aħna parti mill-Munich Re Group u nużaw teknoloġiji avvanzati biex nipprovdu firxa ta 'prodotti ta' assigurazzjoni personali fi pjattaforma diġitali waħda. Dan jippermettilek li jkollok vjaġġ bla xkiel mill-kwotazzjoni għax-xiri. L-approċċ modulari tagħna jippermettilna nipprovdu covers li huma mfassla għall-ħtiġijiet tal-klijent tiegħek, irrispettivament minn kemm jistgħu jkunu flessibbli u kumplessi. Servizz ta' Concierge: Aħna niżguraw li t-talba tal-klijent tiegħek tiġi ttrattata b'effiċjenza u kura mill-bidu.

GrovesJohnWestrup Private Clients is a new proposition designed specifically for high-net-worth clients with unique and complex risk profiles. We are part of the Munich Re Group and we use state-of-the-art technologies to provide a range of personal insurance products in a digital platform. This allows you to have a seamless journey from quote to purchase. Our modular approach allows us to provide covers that are tailored to your client's needs, no matter how flexible and complex they may be. Concierge Service: We ensure that your client's claim is handled with efficiency and care from the beginning.

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Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit Birmingham - NEC, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit


800 Karattri xellug