
Wirja tad-Disinn u r-Remodeling tad-Dar Palm Beach 2024

Spettaklu ta 'Disinn u Remodeling tad-Dar ta' Palm Beach
From May 24, 2024 until May 27, 2024
West Palm Beach - Palm Beach County Convention Center, Florida, l-Istati Uniti
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Disinn tal-Palm Beach u Uri mill-ġdid | Juri Florida

Visit South Florida's largest home EXPO. Palm Beach County Convention Center, 650 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach FL 33401. Keep an eye out for announcements for the Palm Beach Home Show 2024! Stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @FLHomeShows! Schedule of Stage Events. Celebrity Guest: To be Announced in 2024. To be Announced in 2024. To Be Announced in 2024. TOUR the 2022 PALM BEACH HOME SHOW.

Is-Sibt, 25 ta’ Mejju - 11:00am - 7:00pm.

L-avveniment li għandu jattendi t-Nofsinhar ta' Florida għas-sidien kollha tad-dar u l-mexxejja tal-industrija!

11:00am - 7:00pm Is-Sibt, 25 ta’ Mejju.

Meet Josh Flagg, the star of Bravo’s “Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles” and a top real estate agent in the United States with more than $3billion of real estate sold. Josh Flagg shares his trade secrets on how to sell exclusive real estate, and how you can increase the value of your home through remodeling and design.

Josh has worked for some of the most exclusive clientele, including A-List Celebrities and High-Net-Worth Individuals. He is considered the top salesperson for historical homes in Beverly Hills, the most famous city of the world.

Josh huwa rikonoxxut mhux biss għas-suċċess tiegħu fil-proprjetà immobbli, iżda wkoll bħala membru tal-bord ta 'ħafna organizzazzjonijiet tal-karità, inklużi Cedars-Sinai, Temple of the Arts u The Los Angeles Jewish Home. Huwa involut ukoll mal-Forza tad-Difiża Iżraeljana, u l-Mużew tal-Olokawst ta’ Los Angeles.

Cinthia, a Cuban living in Coral Gables, is an artist who specializes colorful and positive murals. She is the founder of Chalk and Brush Design. This flourishing art studio is specialized in creating unique murals, signs, lettering, designs, and illustrations for businesses, homes and cities of any size.

Viżti: 6830

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fil-websajt uffiċjali ta' Palm Beach Home Design and Remodeling Show

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

West Palm Beach - Palm Beach County Convention Center, Florida, l-Istati Uniti West Palm Beach - Palm Beach County Convention Center, Florida, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug