
Beautyworld Għarabja Sawdita 2025

Beautyworld Għarabja Sawdita
From April 21, 2025 until April 23, 2025
Riyadh - Ċentru Internazzjonali ta 'Konvenzjoni u Wirjiet ta' Riyadh, Provinċja ta 'Riyadh, Għarabja Sawdija
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Moda u sbuħija
Tags: branding, xagħar

Beautyworld Saudi Arabia - il-fiera reġjonali tal-Arabja Sawdija għall-Prodotti tas-Sbuħija, ix-Xagħar, il-Fwieħa u l-Benessri

What a great success! We'll see you in 2025. Unmissable moments on the show floor. Highlights of Day 1. Day 2 Show Highlights The 2024 edition will be our largest and most ambitious yet. 2024 STRATEGIC PARTNER. In collaboration with Riyadh Chamber of Commerce. More than 340 exhibitors from 35+ countries. All at one location. Enjoy high-level features to unlock new growth potential. Global Beauty Products. Next in Beauty Conference.

The Riyadh Convention and Exhibition Center (RICEC) hosted the 4th edition Beautyworld Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom's biggest international trade fair in the beauty and health industry. It was a successful three-day event.

The event was the largest and boldest yet. It featured a stunning array of innovative exhibitors and a groundbreaking conference. There was also a beautyLIVE theatre that provided informative information. The 2024 edition saw incredible growth, with 350+ exhibitors in 35+ countries.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors, speakers, and exhibitors for making the event this year a great success.

We can't believe we will see you again in 2025!

Beautyworld Saudi Arabia is truly honored to welcome Riyadh Chamber of Commerce as a Strategic Partner of the Event.

The Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a vital resource for businesses. It provides them with important information, shows them how to conduct their business and gives advice that can reduce production costs and save working capital. The chamber actively contributes towards improving the quality and performance of the economy.

Viżti: 6495

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Riyadh - Ċentru Internazzjonali ta 'Konvenzjoni u Wirjiet ta' Riyadh, Provinċja ta 'Riyadh, Għarabja Sawdija Riyadh - Ċentru Internazzjonali ta 'Konvenzjoni u Wirjiet ta' Riyadh, Provinċja ta 'Riyadh, Għarabja Sawdija


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