
Industrija Nukleari Ċina 2024

Industrija Nukleari Ċina
From March 19, 2024 until March 22, 2024
Beijing - Beijing Exhibition Centre, Beijing, iċ-Ċina
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Merħba biex iżżur NIC'2024

L-appoġġ ta'. Merħba għas-17-il Industrija Nukleari taċ-Ċina 2024!

Nuclear Industry China (NIC) is a top international nuclear exhibition in China, with the longest history and largest scale. It has successfully hosted 16 sessions since the 1987 first exhibition. During the previous NICs, renowned domestic and foreign manufacturers and organizations, as well as R&D institutions, have all participated in outstanding technical seminars and successful commercial cooperation. NIC, which is a benchmark event for global exhibitors and regular visitors such as national leaders and demonstrates the world's R&D and innovative achievements as well as an integral nuclear technology system.

Il-Wirja tal-Industrija Nukleari, li ilha għaddejja għal aktar minn 30 sena issa, hija waħda mill-akbar wirjiet tal-industrija nukleari madwar id-dinja. Il-wirja hija post tajjeb ħafna għall-klijenti Ċiniżi biex jiskopru teknoloġiji u tagħmir internazzjonali avvanzati tal-enerġija nukleari, kif ukoll pjattaforma unika biex turi prodotti industrijali nukleari lokali, teknoloġija, tagħmir ewlieni b'ċertifikazzjoni sikura u innovazzjoni tat-teknoloġija.

The "China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition", the oldest, biggest, most influential, and highest-level professional international exhibition in the nuclear industry field in my country, is "China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition". The first exhibition, held in 1987 has been held successfully 16 times. In previous exhibitions, well known manufacturers, international organizations, and scientific research institutes in the nuclear industry from home and abroad all took part. The technical exchanges and trade discussions have been successful, demonstrating fully the complete world nuclear technology industrial system as well as the scientific research and innovations in the nuclear energy field. Chinese and foreign visitors and exhibitors have praised the exhibition, and national leaders from various countries have visited it many times to get guidance.

Viżti: 3418

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Nuclear Industry China

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Beijing - Beijing Exhibition Centre, Beijing, iċ-Ċina Beijing - Beijing Exhibition Centre, Beijing, iċ-Ċina


800 Karattri xellug