
Show tal-Iskejjel tal-Internazzjonijiet Brittaniċi 2024

Show tal-Iskejjel tal-Bord Brittaniċi
From March 21, 2024 until March 21, 2024
Ħong Kong - Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong (Tin Wan Campus), Ħong Kong, Hongkong
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
Tags: iskola, Campus

Dive into Excellence: The Boarding Schools Show at Wycombe Abbey, Hong Kong - Independent Schools Show

BSS Shows to be held in the near future Boarding Schools Show in Hong Kong School Show Videos The Boarding Schools Show. The best British Curriculum Schools In partnership with.

Mill-2007, l-Independent Schools Show qed issir f'Londra. Ara l-lista sħiħa tad-dati li ġejjin.

Il-Boarding Schools Show jieħu l-aqwa Skejjel tal-Kurrikulu Brittaniku f'postijiet prestiġjużi madwar id-dinja. Ara l-avvenimenti kollha li ġejjin.

Come and join us for this year's Boarding Schools Show at Wycombe Abbey, Hong Kong. This event will bring together a variety of educational options conveniently located in one place for an action-packed, single day.

Unleash their Potential: Parents from Hong Kong can make valuable connections and have intimate conversations with renowned admissions directors and heads of British boarding schools. They will also be able to engage in discussions with top educational experts in the UK.

Connect, Explore and Thrive - Immerse yourself into a vibrant environment where you can meet other Hong Kong parents who have children already excelling at UK schools. Join us for a series of informative seminars that will guide you to a successful transfer into the UK education system. You'll also gain valuable insights from school representatives about admission requirements, bursaries, and scholarships.

Empowerment through Knowledge: We know how important it is to choose the best school for your child. Our Show was designed to help parents navigate this difficult journey. It is an informative and comprehensive event that caters to parents who are looking for the best education possible for their children.

Viżti: 3203

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Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali tal-British Boarding Schools Show

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Ħong Kong - Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong (Tin Wan Campus), Ħong Kong, Hongkong Ħong Kong - Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong (Tin Wan Campus), Ħong Kong, Hongkong


800 Karattri xellug