
Taipei Food and Souvenir International Expo 2024

Taipei Food and Souvenir International Expo
From May 03, 2024 until May 06, 2024
Taipei - Taipei World Trade Exhibition Centre 1, Taipei, Tajwan
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Ikel u Xorb
Tags: lubrikanti


Mill-11/26 sad-11/29, l-Expo internazzjonali tal-Ispeċjalitajiet u Tifkiriet tat-Turiżmu tat-Tajwan tal-2021 se ssir f'World Trade Center Hall 1. Ħames temi distinti: "Premjijiet tat-Tajwan Souvenir", l-"Internet Popular Food Hall", l-"Ikel Eżotiku Karnival", ir-"Dessert Kingdom", kif ukoll "Tizy Lounge". L-avveniment jiġbor flimkien l-industrija domestika tal-ikel, kif ukoll jistieden xerrejja u fornituri pendenti minn madwar id-dinja. Offerta offerti promozzjonali speċjali lill-intrapriżi u lill-gruppi li jixtru wirjiet.

Taiwan is the land of gourmet foods, and you can find a wide variety of souvenirs that are perfect for holiday or travel gifts. Want to know which special souvenirs can be found in Taipei and the surrounding islands, Central Taiwan, South Taiwan, East Taiwan, or even on the outlying Islands? You will be able to enjoy the taste of Taiwanese cuisine with your own taste and vision.

Do you want to learn about the most popular delicacies for group buying, gift boxes and desserts? Office workers enjoy buying gourmet food in bulk. It is possible to taste the popularity of this food without ever leaving your office. You can now eat all the popular Internet delicacies in one sitting during the exhibition. It will become addictive, one bite at a time. The taste is unforgettable. The price is worth it.

If you cannot travel the world, eat your way around it! Let's taste the world together and remember it through local delicacies that faithfully represent the tastes and sentiments. Japanese sushi, Korean fried rice, Mexican burritos and burgers from the USA, Indian curry and dim sum in Hong Kong, Italian ice-cream, Argentinian yerba mate and Vietnamese pho and Malaysian bak kut teh are just some of the global delicacies that you can taste.

Viżti: 2035

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Taipei Food and Souvenir International Expo

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Taipei - Taipei World Trade Exhibition Centre 1, Taipei, Tajwan Taipei - Taipei World Trade Exhibition Centre 1, Taipei, Tajwan


800 Karattri xellug