
Konvenzjoni tal-Gvern Lokali tal-WA

Konvenzjoni tal-Gvern Lokali tal-WA
From September 17, 2023 until September 19, 2023
Perth - Crown Perth, Western Australia, Awstralja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Aħbarijiet, Avvenimenti u Pubblikazzjonijiet | WALGA | WALGA

2022 WA Konvenzjoni tal-Gvern Lokali.



Tlift il-password tiegħek? Jekk jogħġbok daħħal l-indirizz email tiegħek. Inti ser tirċievi link biex toħloq password ġdida.



Tip ta' Klijent

Agħżel it-tip ta' klijent tiegħek
Membru Assoċjat
ttttNT Kunsill
tttt Organizzazzjoni Oħra
ttttWA Kunsill.

Membru Assoċjat

Agħżel il-Membru Assoċjat tiegħek
Aqwest-Bunbury Water Corp
Membru Assoċjat
tttt Kunsill Reġjonali ta' Bunbury Harvey
ttttBusselton Ilma Bord
TAFE Reġjonali Ċentrali
ttttKunsill Reġjonali Metropolitan tal-Lvant (EMRC)
ttttJLT Awstralja
Assoċjazzjoni tal-Gvern Lokali NT
ttttMarra Worra Worra
Kunsill Reġjonali tal-Lvant Nofsani
ttttKunsill Reġjonali tal-Mindarie
ttttNhulunbuy Corporation Ltd
ttttKunsill tal-Qasam Agrikolu tat-Tramuntana
tttt Kunsill Re;jonali tal-Pilbara
ttttKunsill Reġjonali tax-Xmajjar
tttt Il-Kunsill Reġjonali ta’ Rockhampton
ttttKunsill tal-Lbiċ tal-Qasam
Kunsill Reġjonali Metropolitan tan-Nofsinhar (SMRC).
ttttTamala Park Reġjonali tal-Kunsill
WA Super
Kunsill Reġjonali Metropolitan tal-Punent (WMRC).
ttttQawwa tal-Punent
ttttWheatbelt NRM.

Kunsill tal-WA

ttttAgħżel il-Kunsill tiegħek
Belt Albany
Belt ta' Armadale
Belt ta' Bayswater
Belmont City
Belt ta’ Bunbury
Belt Busselton
Belt ta' Canning
Cockburn City
ttttBelt ta' Fremantle
Belt ta' Gosnells
Greater Geraldton
Belt ta' Joondalup
Belt ta’ Kalamunda
Belt ta' Kalgoorlie–Boulder
Belt Karratha
Belt ta' Kwinana
Belt ta' Mandurah
Belt ta' Melville
Belt ta' Nedlands
Belt ta' Perth
Il-Belt ta’ Rockingham
Belt ta' South Perth
ttttBelt ta' Stirling
Belt Subiaco
ttttBelt ta' Swan
Belt ta’ Vincent
Belt ta' Wanneroo
Shire ta Ashburton
Shire of Augusta Margaret River
Shire of Beverley
Shire ta' Boddington
Shire ta Boyup Brook
ttttShire ta' Bridgetown-Greenbushes
Shire of Brookton
Shire of Broome
Shire of Broomehill - Tambellup
Shire of Bruce Rock
Shire of Capel
Shire of Carnamah
Shire of Carnarvon
Shire of Chapman Valley
Shire of Chittering
Shire of Christmas Island
Shire tal-Gżejjer Cocos (Keeling).
Shire of Collie
Shire of Coolgardie
Shire of Coorow
Shire of Corrigin
Shire ta' Cranbrook
Shire of Cuballing
Shire of Cue
Shire of Cunderdin
Shire of Dalwallinu
Shire of Dandaragan
Shire of Dardanup
Shire tad-Danimarka
Shire of Derby West Kimberley
Shire of Donnybrook - Balingup
Shire of Dowerin
Shire ta Dumbleyung
Shire of Dundas
Shire of East Pilbara
Shire of Esperance
Shire of Exmouth
Shire of Gingin
Shire ta' Gnowangerup
Shire of Goomalling
Shire of Halls Creek
ttttShire ta' Harvey
ttttShire ta' Irwin
Shire ta' Jerramungup
Shire of Katanning
Shire of Kellerberrin
ttttShire ta' Kent
Shire of Kojonup
Shire of Kondinin
Shire of Koorda
Shire of Kulin
Shire of Lake Grace
Shire of Laverton
Shire of Leonora
Shire ta' Manjimup
Shire ta Meekatharra
Shire of Menzies
Shire of Merredin
Shire of Mingenew
Shire of Moora
Shire of Morawa
Shire of Mount Magnet
Shire ta' Mount Marshall
Shire ta' Mukinbudin
Shire of Mundaring
Shire of Murchison
Shire of Murray
Shire of Nannup
Shire of Narembeen
Shire of Narrogin
Shire ta' Ngaanyatjarku
Shire of Northam
ttttShire ta' Northampton
Shire of Nungarin

Viżti: 2180

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali tal-Konvenzjoni tal-Gvern Lokali tal-WA

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Perth - Crown Perth, Western Australia, Awstralja Perth - Crown Perth, Western Australia, Awstralja


800 Karattri xellug